"Last Chance U" follows a group of young men training to become the future stars of the NFL. Based at East Mississippi Community College (EMCC), "Last Chance U" takes us on a journey to understand the real men of the gridiron at one of the most successful, but least known athletic programs. Each player has incredible talent and drive to be the best, but each face their own uniq...
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类型:科幻 地区:西班牙
主演:/皮特·格拉维斯/佩姬·卡索/莫里斯·安克鲁姆/Than Wyenn/托马斯·布朗·亨利/理查德·贝内迪克特/James Seay/John Close/唐·C·哈维/拉里·J·布莱克/Eilene Janssen/Hylton Socher/弗兰克·维尔考克斯/Douglas Evans/Paul Grant/